New Moon Purging

new-moon-purging Tonight is a night many Pagans observed the New Moon, having precious little time in our busy world to do it on the weekday. Tonight I attended a new group in Hollywood to see if we would be a good fit for each other. The New Moon is an introspective time, one to contemplate one’s inner work and the things that hold us back. It requires that we be honest with ourselves about our shortcomings and issues and work towards moving past them. In this Libra Moon, the New Moon right after the Autumn Equinox, the Children of Hecate especially, and many strong Pagans who follow other paths, begin the work of letting go of what no longer serves us – bad habits, tempers, intolerance and so forth. Even deeper, but easily discerned for those who are honest with themselves, are those things that bring out anger in us about others. This is a very clear sign of those things that bother us about ourselves – the shortcomings and failings we possess. Our physical reality, including our surroundings, our work – right down to the friends and lovers we take on in life – mirror our inside world. That is why they distress us so much to see them in others – they remind us of ourselves. Tonight we each charged a black candle with all the things that hold us back, the things we want to get rid of in preparation for Parting the Veil next month at Samhain. We were instructed to burn it down to the ground outside to symbolically release those negative things we put into them during ritual. I have not participated in a ritual with others for a long time, let alone done such intensive work. Tonight changes that. May your deep introspections be enlightening, beneficial and blessing. )O( Luna

Kristine Cherry

Owner of KC Dragonfly.

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