It’s Going to be a Happy New Year if its the last thing I do!

It’s Going to be a Happy New Year if its the last thing I do!

Hey everyone. I hope your New Years went well. My hubby and I had to forego a party due to my cranky hernia – and my perception in prior years that the new year never turns out better and has always been worse than the year before.

And you know what? I’m TIRED of thinking like that, like just because the past years weren’t better, that whatever went wrong in the new year made it a worse year. As one of my mentors, Dr. John Demartini says, it’s “stinkin’ thinkin'” and I believe it sets up a negative vibration that resonates throughout the year fueled by every little thing that goes wrong from that day forward until the next new year.

Determined to change up how I roll in 2022, I decided to buy a couple of witchy ephemerises revolving around the planetary, astrological and lunar cycles to see if I can dodge those tricky, problematic Mercury retrogrades and void-of-course celestial bullets that whiz by us all throughout the year. I probably went out of control when I bought three and an online course to boot (their review is here), but gosh darnit, I am determined to do this and do it right.

2022 starts off with a New Moon (which was Sunday) – a perfect time to set new intentions, so we have a double-shot at setting up this year to flourish instead of fail. How about it? Are you as determined as I am to make it work? If you are, please let me know here in the comments, or on any of the social networks listed below. I’d love to have some company this time around =)


)O( Luna

Kristine Cherry

Owner of KC Dragonfly.

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