Resources for students
If you have taken one of our courses on decorating parasols, you might want to go all the way and MAKE the parasol cover from SCRATCH. I applaud your effort. My first few tries a …
If you have taken one of our courses on decorating parasols, you might want to go all the way and MAKE the parasol cover from SCRATCH. I applaud your effort. My first few tries a …
Just put this in the Etsy store tonight…a very plain, no frills of my Red Flapper Parasol. If you want an economical version, here it is. …
Preview of tonight’s newest Etsy store item. I can only post a few images of this beautiful new parasol on the Etsy store, so the rest are going here, along with the shots there as …
Available later today in my Etsy shop. $55.00.
If your mother-in-law is like mine, she HATES having her picture taken. We often have to take sneaky pictures in order to get her on film. Sometimes we luck out and can get her to …
And here they are – finally done, finally uploaded to the store. They turned out beautiful and I am so excited to bring them to you. They are parasols – perfect for weddings, cosplay, anime costumes, gothic, …
That rhymed…just noticed that. That’s a good sign as the last time I did any large scale project, it was for our beloved Jim Carrey Grinch costume and we all know how Whos (and Whats) like to …
You know how you get ideas in the shower? Or when driving? Places that you can’t write them down in? Well, all the time I was at Anime Expo this past week, I was on …